symbol of a mom holding a baby in a blue box

Do you have a Baby Friendly Space?

Breastfeeding is the natural way to feed a child with major health benefits for both mothers and babies. However, many breastfeeding mothers choose not to breastfeed outside the comfort of their home because they feel unsupported to breastfeed in public places. A Baby Friendly Space is anywhere that welcomes and supports mothers with babies/young children and families.

What are the benefits of providing a Baby Friendly Space?

  • A Baby Friendly Space helps make a positive contribution to improving the general health and wellbeing of Albertans community while upholding provincial law.

  • It supports mothers with babies and/or young children and their families.

  • It improves any service you provide, by encouraging loyalty within existing users and attracting new users.

  • When users feel welcome, they are likely to stay longer and return.

  • It brings good publicity and promotes your Baby Friendly Space.

Are You Already A Baby Friendly Space? Can you answer YES to all of the following statements?

The universal breastfeeding logo is displayed to show that this is a Baby Friendly Space?

Breastfeeding mothers and babies are welcomed and supported?

A private area to feed babies and/or express milk (NOT a washroom) can be provided when requested?

A welcoming, clean and comfortable baby friendly environment is provided?

The need for a baby friendly space is understood and supported?

Any inappropriate comments regarding breastfeeding babies and/or young children are responded to sensitively and tactfully, while explaining the importance of supporting a baby friendly community?

Compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes?

If you answered YES to all, congratulations, you have a Baby Friendly Space.

You may wish to display one or more decals of the universal breastfeeding logo shown above.

Your Baby Friendly Space can play an important role in supporting breastfeeding and the general well-being of families within Alberta. If you need help to become a baby friendly space, including how to become Code compliant, please contact us at: