Become Involved &
Join the Committee
The Alberta Breastfeeding Committee welcomes anyone who is interested in breastfeeding advocacy. The Alberta Breastfeeding Committee began in 2005 with a group of professionals that were dedicated to protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding in Alberta. The Committee hosts annual conferences that bring dynamic speakers to provide education to professionals, families and all advocates of breastfeeding. We also support facilities with the implementation of the 10 steps of the Baby-Friendly Initiative. Alberta Breastfeeding Committee works closely with the Breastfeeding Committee of Canada.
General meetings are held over Microsoft Teams on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 8:00pm.
Interested in finding out more? Click “Learn More” to reach out to our Recruitment Director or fill out a Volunteer Form below! We look forward to meeting you!
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Volunteer Information Form
OBJECTIVES - To promote and protect and support breastfeeding through:
Promoting adherence to the International Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Association Resolutions
Promoting the Baby-Friendly Initiative and Baby Friendly Communities
Facilitating education at all levels around breastfeeding and use of human milk
Networking and partnering with agencies, teams and organizations that work with breastfeeding families to protect, promote and support breastfeeding
Providing expert advice and recommendations on breastfeeding research, evidence, policy, data collection, and program development
Providing direction to governments and agencies around breastfeeding as a determinant of health
Encouraging peer support programs
Creating and reinforcing initiatives to improve initiation and duration rates of breastfeeding in Alberta
Creating a platform for addressing breastfeeding issues in Alberta
Providing a portal to resources for health providers and the public looking to promote, protect and support breastfeeding
For mothers facilitating awareness of their right to breastfeed anywhere, anytime in Canada and providing resources for women returning to the workplace
Recognizing the achievements of those who work in this area
Strategic Plan 2017-2022
Section 1: About the Alberta Breastfeeding Committee
Section 2: Our Goals
Goal 1. Increase awareness of the importance of protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding
Goal 2. Increase knowledge of the BCC BFI Practice Outcomes Indicators for Hospitals and Community Health Services and the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
Goal 3: Support Alberta facilities working towards their Baby-Friendly Initiative designation